WHO’s Kieny: R&D Resolution ‘An Advance That Shows Strong Recommitment’ 31/05/2016 by William New, Intellectual Property Watch Leave a Comment World Health Organization members sent a clear signal at the annual Assembly last week when they committed to step up efforts to find ways to fund research into diseases that results in affordable products, according to the top WHO official working on these issues.
WHA Gets First UN Framework Managing Non-State Actors; Countries Satisfied, Actors Concerned 30/05/2016 by Catherine Saez, Intellectual Property Watch 3 Comments The first agreement on how to manage relationships between a United Nations organisation and non-governmental actors, such as industry, philanthropic organisations and public interest groups, was adopted on 28 May by the World Health Assembly. The framework, which had been discussed for several years, was hailed as historic by many countries, but met a mixed reaction from those primarily concerned.
Reactions To WHA Resolution On R&D Financing Generally Positive 28/05/2016 by William New, Intellectual Property Watch 1 Comment Today, the annual World Health Assembly is poised to approve a new plan on research and development into medical products that are affordable to all. NGOs, industry and other observers welcomed the outcome.
Drug Pricing, Generics Figure Into WHO Strategies On HIV, Hepatitis 28/05/2016 by Mara Pillinger for Intellectual Property Watch and William New 1 Comment As the 69th World Health Assembly draws to a close, member states are being asked to approve a series of draft global health sector strategies for HIV, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections. And the issues involve some questions of intellectual property rights.
WHO Drafting Group Agrees Resolution On Health R&D 28/05/2016 by William New, Intellectual Property Watch 1 Comment A closed-door drafting group this evening arrived seemingly easily at agreement on a resolution on broadening work on new ways to fund research and development into medical products, according to participants. The agreement includes the creation of a new expert committee on health R&D, and asks for a WHO proposal on a pooled fund, they said. [Update: draft text now available]
WHO Reforms Health Emergency Response But Who Will Pay The Bill? 27/05/2016 by Mara Pillinger for Intellectual Property Watch Leave a Comment Two years after Ebola, the World Health Organization continues to push forward with a thorough overhaul of how it responds to health emergencies. These include Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEICs), such as the Ebola and Zika outbreaks, as well as natural diseases, conflicts, refugee crises, and the like.
Drafting Group Finishes Framework On WHO And Outside Actors 27/05/2016 by Catherine Saez, Intellectual Property Watch 1 Comment If adopted as expected tomorrow by the World Health Assembly, a framework guiding the relationships between the World Health Organization and outside actors will be the first of its kind in the United Nations system, according to sources.
Europe Medicines Group Joins Initiative To Fight Fake Medicines 27/05/2016 by Intellectual Property Watch 1 Comment Medicines for Europe, representing the generic, biosimilar, and medicines in Europe, announced today during a side event at the World Health Assembly, that it joined the Global Campaign to Fight Fake Medicines.
Resolution On WHO Work With Non-State Actors Down To Wire 27/05/2016 by Catherine Saez, Intellectual Property Watch Leave a Comment With the end of the annual World Health Assembly looming tomorrow, member states are working away behind closed doors to finalise a resolution on how the World Health Organization shall work with outside actors going forward.
Against Microbial Resistance Peril, WHA Delegates Discuss Global Solutions, Approve Report 27/05/2016 by Catherine Saez, Intellectual Property Watch Leave a Comment According to a new report, by 2050, some 10 million lives could be lost a year due to antimicrobial resistance. This is an issue which has been central to this year’s World Health Assembly, and is of global consequence. Delegates gathered for the occasion noted a report by the World Health Organization secretariat on the global action plan on antimicrobial resistance adopted last year and options to develop a global stewardship framework to try to limit the use of antibiotics and develop new ones.