EU Agrees To Accede To Controversial WIPO Agreement Raising GI Protection 20/03/2019 by William New, Intellectual Property Watch 1 Comment European Union member states today agreed to accede to an agreement negotiated under the World Intellectual Property Organization that raises protections for geographical indications, products whose names derive from a particular regions with certain characteristics. Joining the so-called Geneva Act establishes a GI register for agricultural and non-agricultural products and appears to have the effect of requiring EU members to protect registered GIs of other members.
Innovation And Regulation Of Gene-Edited Vegetables: An Interview With IP Lawyer Chris Holly 05/03/2019 by Intellectual Property Watch Leave a Comment Chris Holly is a practicing intellectual property lawyer with extensive experience helping clients leverage IP portfolios in the agriculture, food, microbiology and biotechnology industries. Intellectual Property Watch’s David Branigan interviewed Holly to gain his perspective on the technological, regulatory and intellectual property considerations of next generation plant breeding techniques, in particular those that involve gene editing using CRISPR technology.
Asian NGOs Raise Concern Over IP And Seeds In RCEP Trade Deal 26/02/2019 by William New, Intellectual Property Watch 1 Comment The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement under negotiation among Asia and Pacific nations must not include measures that would undercut countries’ ability to protect diverse local farming systems and sustainable plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, a range of Asian nongovernmental organisations argue. Groups in India, Malaysia and the Philippines this week specifically called for the RCEP not to include the high-level protections under the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV).
TRIPS Council To Look At IP And The Public Interest, Business Interest 11/02/2019 by William New, Intellectual Property Watch Leave a Comment The World Trade Organization is the prime gathering point for the world’s governments to discuss and negotiate on policies of the day. A decades-long swinging pendulum within the WTO’s committee on trade and intellectual property is IP’s contribution to innovation and economy and its contribution to the public interest. At its meeting this week, the committee will feature discussions on both.
WHO Board Sceptical On Changes To Global Flu Framework, Sends Issue To WHA 04/02/2019 by Catherine Saez, Intellectual Property Watch 3 Comments The World Health Organization Executive Board last week remained uncertain on the way forward on questions of access to influenza viruses as countries are increasingly implementing an international protocol regulating the sharing of genetic resources. The Board requested informal discussions be held in the lead-up to the annual World Health Assembly in May.
WHO Governance Questioned As It Adds World Health Assembly Agenda Item On Biodiversity 01/02/2019 by Catherine Saez, Intellectual Property Watch 3 Comments The World Health Organization today admitted to an unusual procedure to set up a debate on the health implications of a UN treaty on sharing of benefits from genetic resources. The new agenda item proposed by the WHO director general was accepted by the WHO Board today, but with member states questioning the governance of the move.
European Council Advances SPC Waiver For Generics; Negotiations Coming 16/01/2019 by David Branigan, Intellectual Property Watch Leave a Comment The European Union Council of member states has approved a mandate for negotiations with the EU Parliament concerning a draft regulation aimed at boosting EU-based generic and biosimilar manufacturing for export by providing an exception to the extended intellectual property protection granted by special protection certificates (SPCs). The mandate brings the draft regulation a step closer to adoption, and it also suggests that Parliament’s recent amendments to the regulation are likely be key areas of debate in the negotiations, which are expected to begin in the coming weeks.
WHO Report Shows Global Progress On Influenza Preparedness Response 18/12/2018 by David Branigan, Intellectual Property Watch Leave a Comment The World Health Organization has released a new report showing that significant progress has been made to build national and global preparedness for future influenza pandemics. This progress resulted from the collaborative multi-sectoral implementation of a WHO plan, funded by the benefit-sharing contributions of industry partners, to strengthen global health security against pandemic influenza.
WIPO Members Agree On Revision Of Draft Treaty On Protection of TK, Folklore 17/12/2018 by Catherine Saez, Intellectual Property Watch 1 Comment After weeklong negotiations on potential treaty language defining traditional knowledge and folklore, how they would be protected, and under which conditions, World Intellectual Property Organization member states agreed on draft articles, qualified as a work in progress by the committee chair.
“Biopiracy” On The High Seas? Countries Launch Negotiation Towards A New International Legally Binding Instrument On Marine Genetic Resources In Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction 14/12/2018 by Intellectual Property Watch, Intellectual Property Watch 1 Comment Wend Wendland writes: Countries have begun to negotiate a new international legally binding instrument on marine genetic resources in the high seas. The negotiation is an opportunity for countries to re-think existing frameworks which regulate access to and benefit-sharing in genetic resources. Countries have divergent views on if and how IP issues should be addressed in the new instrument. Developing countries have an interest in the establishment of mechanisms for the fair and equitable sharing of benefits from research into marine genetic resources and for the transfer of marine technologies. IP issues are relevant in both cases.