Infojustice: Trans-Pacific Partnership IP Chapter Stalled 20/05/2013 by Intellectual Property Watch 2 Comments Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) reports from the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations in Lima, Peru that the intellectual property chapter shows no sign of resolution and the end of the TPP talks in 2013 is now highly unlikely. “There is a strong sense in the halls of the current TPP negotiation that the end is not in sight,” wrote Prof. Sean Flynn of the American University law school in Washington, DC. “And one of the primary reasons for the blocked progress is a lack of consensus on intellectual property and pharmaceuticals issues.” Infojustice reports: “Officially, the Chief Negotiators have backed off the prior commitment to end the TPP negotiation by October, but are still clinging to a goal to end the negotiation by the ‘end of the year.’ But privately, none of the negotiators or stakeholders at this round would express any confidence that the intellectual property issues could be resolved by then. The issues still under contention are massive. The intellectual property chapter has grown to over 80 pages of text – including all the bracketed suggestions and alternatives. Some negotiators describe it as the longest text currently under negotiation. Many of the issues are completely blocked. There has not been any new negotiation text offered on the most controversial pharmaceutical provisions since the Melbourne round over a year ago. There is currently no mandate from many countries to negotiate (they only ‘consult’ and ‘discuss’) the pharmaceutical reimbursement chapter. Barbara Weisel described the pharmaceutical issues as being in a ‘period of reflection,’ and had no comment on when that period might end.” Read the full text of the report here. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window) Related "Infojustice: Trans-Pacific Partnership IP Chapter Stalled" by Intellectual Property Watch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
CynDoyle says 08/06/2013 at 11:36 pm The Trans-Pacific Partnership, TTP, will enable corporations to override US Law even while operating in the US. The TPP will yank Democracy right out of our hands by making law contradictory to our interests! This act will allow corporations to literally have no oversight at all. Pharmaceutical companies will be able to charge outrageous prices for medicine. The Banks will run roughshod over us (again), destroying our already fragile economy. Chemical-Agricultural companies will have carte blanche over our food, weeding out the world’s population. This “trade” deal will only enrich the 1% and further the destruction of our middle class. The Trans-Pacific Partnership’s goal is to give multinational investors (corporations)and domestic corporations the right to challenge any and all of our health, consumer safety, environmental, banking (Dodd-Frank, for example) laws and regulations before an international tribunal (cherry-picked by the corporations). This will place these corporations in an equal or higher position than the nations of the world’s governments and certainly above us, the people. Basically, if we pass any laws or currently have any laws on the books that could somehow restrict or diminish any “expected future profits”, these corporations can demand the taxpayers to compensate them and pay their legal bills. We must act now as our freedoms are very quickly slipping out of our hands! Please sign this petition: Reply